BMM Uttar Rang

The root of BMM’s Uttar Rang initiative lies in the “enriching lives of Marathi seniors in North America.” Marathi from Maharashtra came to the shores of America as early as the 19th century. Many more migrated to North America in the late 20th and early 21st century and dedicated their lives in bringing prosperity to their newly found karma-bhoomi – this great nation/continent of America! All those brave souls, in their hearts, have always cherished rich marathi culture! It is only a humble attempt of BMM to bring marathi sanskrutik warasaa to them in their uttarardha!

Meaning of Uttar Rang

Our life has also 2 phases: Life until the age of 50 and life beyond the age of 50. Uttar Rang is a BMM initiative designed for senior citizens. We are holding many activities and informative sessions under Uttarang Initiative.

Mile stones of Uttar Rang Activities

1983 BMM Convention

First time Panel Discussion on Retirement planning.

1991 BMM Convention

First time discussion about graceful aging aspects of life and Retirement Community for Marathi People

1991 to 2005

Informal group created awareness, organized group meetings. 55plus groups started in NJ, Washington DC and other areas. An article written by Vidya Hardikar Sapre “AABha ( Ashram of American Bharatiya) the Evening Glory” was published in NY BMM convention Smaranika. It describes the concept and design of Retirement Community for Indians


Brihan Maharashtra Vritta started a column to give a forum to discuss various aspects of aging, especially in N. America.


The first 2 day Conference to discuss issues, aspirations and options for 55 plus age group people of Indian origin. This was organized in Los Angeles area by 3 families: Sapre, Gore and Mehta. About 100 people from 16 different states attended this conference.


2nd 2-day conference on Successful Aging in New Jersey. Organized by families of Avinash Deshpande, Jagadish Vasudeo, Ashok Sapre, and Ashok Gore.

2007 BMM Convention

BMM EC recognized the need to bring UttarRang Group under BMM Umbrella. 2-hour session on “ Graceful Aging in BMM convention.


Uttarang Action committee ( उत्तररंग कृती समिती) was appointment by BMM President and this committee submitted a white paper to BMM Executive Committee at that time.. This paper was published in BMM Vritta. (White paper by: Ashok Sapre, Ashok Gore, Vishwanath Date and Vishwas Tadwalkar)

2009 BMM Convention

3 Hour conference on Graceful Aging.


Town Hall meetings:
Chicago: Organized by Nitin Joshi
Toronto: Organized by Smita Bhagwat


One Day Conferences: Los Angeles, California Organized by Families of Sapre and Mehta. Austin, Texas. Organized by Austin Marathi Mandal.

2013 BMM Convention

A 2-hour seminar on Uttarrang related issues.
Uttar Rang Naamdarshika was published at the convention: Editors: Mohan Ranade, Ashok Sapre, Vidya Hardikar Sapre.

2015 BMM Convention

A 2-hour seminar on Uttarrang related issues.
Uttar Rang Naamdarshika was published at the convention: Editors: Mohan Ranade, Ashok Sapre, Vidya Hardikar Sapre.

The first One day Uttar Rang Conference at the convention. Organized by Ashok Sapre.
Various local Uttar Rang groups ( e.g. 55 Plus club, Virangula, Cross Roads) were recognized.
Uttar Rang Logo and slogan was designed:
एकमेकांचे धरुनी हात | सुखशांतीची शोधू वाट ||
चला राहू आनंदात | आयुष्याच्या उत्तररंगात ||


A decision was made by BMM to organize a one day conference in every upcoming convention.

2017 BMM Convention

Second One day Uttar Rang Conference at the convention. Organized by Uttar Rang Committee.

A Town Hall Meeting at Boston.
A Town Hall Meeting at Connecticut

One day conference at Connecticut. Organized by Friends for Friends.
Half a day conference at Dublin, East Bay. Organized by E. Bay Marathi Mandal

2019 BMM Convention

Third One day Conference at the convention.: Organized by Subhash Gaitonde
2020: Uttar Rang whats app group was formed by BMM executive committee to coordinate various activities.

Role of BMM

Provide leadership for addressing opportunities, issues and concerns of 50 plus people of Marathi Origin who live in North America. This also includes spouses who are not Marathi and provide a common platform. Provide a common database of “50 plus” people”, “55Plus” groups and retirement communities and if possible ,help people to deal with aging parents in India by providing information about similar organizations in India.

Future Plan

Virtual and Actual retirement communities for Marathi. Support system in the Marathi Community. Dialogue with the other Indian communities. Raise awareness of available services to seniors in North America.

Short Term (1-2 years)

Create a dedicated UttarRang wing (people, budget, and goals) within the BMM organization and appoint a member to the BMM Executive committee to lead and nurture UttarRang.

Highlight UttarRang and its goals at the Philadelphia convention in 2009.

Establish “proposed UttarRang activities” as one of the criteria in evaluating proposals for the future BMM conventions.

Encourage and facilitate establishing UttarRang activities in each Marathi Mandal, such as the 55plus group in NJ, NY area.

Help organize events, nationally and locally, to increase awareness of UttarRang life, and to enhance networking among seniors for group travel tours, home exchanges and/or guest hosting programs, volunteer activities in India and USA etc.

Expand communication channels and information networks for UttarRang within BMM the umbrella, including NRIPO( in Pune) and other Marathi seniors groups in other

Mid-Term (2-5 years)

Collect UttarRang related data among Marathi people: Demographics and geographic distribution, list of retirement communities with Marathi or Indian residents.

Conduct a survey to identify and prioritize issues and concerns of seniors.

Dedicate a day at each BMM convention for UttarRang conference (Exhibits, Lectures, social events etc.)

Facilitate creating groups of seniors interested in moving into specific existing retirement communities in various geographic regions.

Long-term (5-10 years)

Facilitate establishing a retirement community tailored to serve Marathi and other Indian communities.

Expand communication channels and information networks for UttarRang within BMM the umbrella, including NRIPO and other Marathi seniors groups in other countries.

If you want to volunteer, give information, write articles or get more information please contact:

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