BMM Deep Stambha

This will be BMM helpline. It will offer help to those who call. Serves as a channel between people who will need help for personal, educational, immigration, medical, health & car insurance, child and elderly care, professional issues, and organizations within our community which can provide such help. The forum will guide and help New Marathi Families who are new in North America to settle down without going through any hassle.

Brief Overview

We all are experiencing a pandemic situation due to COVID-19 across the country and worldwide. Although there is currently no vaccine to prevent the disease, social distancing is one of the best practices to protect yourself and prevent spreading to others along with guidelines published by the CDC and WHO. During these difficult times, there are many individuals all over North America and abroad who may need assistance.BMM has set up a Toll-Free helpline for anyone who needs assistance to get connected to the Marathi Mandal/ community organizations to find local help. BMM is also connecting with Government Agencies, other social organizations that might be in the best place to resolve any specific issues related to this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Although we cannot guarantee about resolving every issue, we will try our best to help as much we can with the support of all the local Mandals, Govt agencies. During our conference call lot of Marathi Mandal organizations had come forward to support the initiative, and they are already working in the local community to help people in need, especially senior citizens. We appreciate all Mandal organizations taking it forward as they are the best resources at the local level. Also, we are asking the Mandal Organizations volunteers not to put themselves or their families in any risk while trying to help because of the nature of this contagious virus. So please be careful and take all the necessary measures/precautions while helping others. Safety first at all the time. BMM is not liable for any consequences of volunteer work.

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