BMM Maitri Melava

BMM is proud to have “BMM Maitri Melava” as a premier BMM 2.0 project in North America. The aim is to promote some local marathi mandals to come together to cooperate with each other regionally and showcase, foster and promote the talents within the regions and provide a platform for greater visibility and reach and cross pollinate as a larger community.

BMM Texas Maitri Melava

We’re excited to announce BMM Texas Maitri Melawa, with participation from neighboring cities such as Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. Join us for two fun-filled days of diverse programs:

Date: April 19-20, 2025

Venue : Frisco Conference Center



BMM Cleveland Maitri Melava

Cleveland mandal and the neighboring mandals are hosting BMM Maitri Melava. An anticipated 800+ people are expected to attend the event. All are welcome to attend.

Date: June 13-15,2025

Venue: Severance Hall